Saturday, 12 March 2011

How can you tell if you are Duck Crazy??

1) If you go to bed, and start thinking stuff like... I hope the DUCK didn't hurt herself when she fell down the step! or wasn't it funny when the DUCK jumped real bad when the dog barked, or wasn't it disgusting when the ducks were eating huge earthworms ewww..

2) When you wake up in the moring, put the kettle on for a cup of coffee, then spend the next ten minutes saying good morning to the DUCKS before you get a chance to re-boil the kettle for a cup of coffee!

3) If you go to the fridge/freezer food cupoards, and start looking for food that the DUCKS might like, then start cooking for them! they love scrambled egg and peas.. 

4) If you start off with one DUCK, then end up with more!

5) If you start looking at other peoples ducks on youtube, and you wished other peoples ducks belonged to you.

6) If you look on youtube and you see somebody has got lots and lots of DUCKS and jealousy becomes a problem, and you realise life isnt fair because you haven't got room for lots and lots of DUCKS!

7) If you start taking lots of photos and videos of DUCKS.. Everything they do, you act like a tourist taking photos!
8) If you start talking to the DUCKS, and you say things like.. I will fetch your blue bowl and fill it with water.. like why tell them its the blue bowl? 

9) If you are talking to your friends or family, and you end up talking all about what the DUCKS have been up too!

10) If you start looking for suitable ways to travel with the DUCKS so you can take them with you when you visit people!

11) If you go to work, and you wish you was in the garden playing with the DUCKS instead.

12) If the word DUCKS gets stuck in your brain!

If any of the above sounds like you, you ARE duck mad, there is NO known cure from Duck addiction hehe 

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